Friday, 11 May 2018

Science Fair

This is a photo of our group.

This week on Friday  we have been doing science fair, it was about growing plants.  Shilah ,Allie and I   put water coffee and Gatorade in our plants to grow them. The one with water grew the best and the one with Gatorade did not  really work.  The plant with the Gatorade looked really floppy. Here is a photo of my group.


  1. Hi Skylah, your science fair project looks awesome. I like how you decided to use three different types of drinks and explained what two of them did to two of the plants. This reminds me about my science fair because mine is using a type of plant too. What did the coffee do to the plant?

  2. Hi Skylah,
    My name is Adrianna from Wainui Beach School in Gisborne. The photos of your group are amazing photos. Great science fair project by the way. What were the results with the coffee plant? I'd really like to know.
    From Adrianna

  3. Hi, Skylah I'm Sarah from Wainui Beach School in Gisborne NZ. I like your post because you told us what your question was and that you said what happend at the end. I didn't think the one with Gatorade would work either I thought the one with water would because that is what you are supposed to use. I think in your next blog post you should reread for punctuation because when you said I put water coffee and Gatorade you forgot to add commas. This reminded me about my science fair project. My question is, Do kids like cookies with lots of sugar in them or barely any sugar? I loved it, you came up with a really good science question.From Sarah


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